Sunday, April 12, 2009

Strawberry Sorbet Ice Pops

Strawberry Sorbet Ice Pops

2 Tbsp suprefine sugar

8oz strawberries, halved

Juice of 1 medium orange (about 1/4 cup)

• Put the sugar and 1/4 cup water in a saucepan and boil until syrupy (about 3 min). Allow to cool.
• Puree the strawberries with a handheld electric blender and combine with the cooled syrup and orange juice, then pour this mixture into 4 large ice pop molds. Freeze until solid.


Rachel Ann said...

That looks yummy! I am jealous of Emma.

Rachel Ann said...

Wait a second - this is Suzy typing. Rachel logged in on my computer today and forgot to log out! Ha ha - I can go post something on her blog and pretend I am her......